If you are looking for a lasting bright white smile, you may be a good candidate for veneers. Our professionals at Osborne Dentistry can assess your case and get you started on the road to your new smile by fitting you for a set of custom veneers. This cosmetic treatment is popular and highly effective thanks to its durability and ease of installation.
What Are Veneers?
Dental veneers are thin coverings that are placed on the visible front side of your teeth. They are either made from a composite material or porcelain, which is decided based on your needs and the particulars of your case. They are a great option for correcting minor cosmetic defects and alignment issues that are not severe enough to warrant the use of braces or more serious measures.
Most of the time, we will recommend that they are placed on the six or eight front upper teeth, as these are the most prominent when you smile or speak. The veneers will not cover the back or sides of your teeth. They also will not extend onto the biting surface of your teeth. However, veneers can be placed on your lower front teeth as well in unique cases.
How Long Do Veneers Last?
The longevity you can expect from your veneers will vary based on which material is used. Porcelain veneers typically last over 10 years. Porcelain is durable and stain-resistant, meaning that you can expect your veneers to maintain their luster and shape without fail for years to come.
Composite veneers do not last quite as long, but they are easier to install and significantly cheaper, making them a good option in certain cases. Composite veneers will generally last approximately five years. They also maintain their shape and color well during their projected lifespan and are easy to repair or replace when necessary.
How Are Veneers Installed?
Whether you are receiving porcelain or composite veneers, we will need to remove a thin layer of surface enamel from the front of each tooth that is receiving a veneer. Once this is complete, our team will need to take a mold of these teeth and send it to a lab if you are getting porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers will require a second appointment when our team receives your veneers back from the lab, which will take a couple of weeks. We will then carefully clean and smooth out the surface of your teeth and then place the veneers with dental cement.
If you chose composite veneers, our team would simply bond and sculpt the material to your teeth in the chosen shade. This is done several times in very thin layers. The veneers are hardened with a UV light and you will be on your way.
Enhance Your Smile with Natural-Looking Dental Veneers
Regardless of which type of veneers you are interested in, the first step is to come to see our team at Osborne Dentistry. To schedule your appointment, contact us at 541-451-4300.